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The sound of music and culture walk with a Local in Salzburg202010025f76d964ab17c.jpg202010025f76d964ddec0.jpg202010025f76d964deb34.jpg202010025f76d964e471b.jpg202010025f76d96491e44.jpg202010025f76d964e52ab.jpg202010025f76d964deb34.jpg
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Utflukter og dagsturer
Sightseeing og tradisjoner

The sound of music and culture walk with a Local in Salzburg

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Salzburg
Varighet: 1 time 30 minutter
Språk: English, German
Voucher på mobil aksepteres


  • Enjoy this experience with a private local
  • Discover what the everyday life of a local looks like
  • Learn where the city gets its characteristic ambience from


This experience is provided by a private local.

If you want to follow the steps of Maria and the children, and go on a real time travel with your local guide, this is THE experience for you.

Join a local on this walk to discover the city of Salzburg through the most iconic places in the film the “Sound of Music”.

You will experience the city completely differently and at the same time get to know the city with a local who will show you the nicest places, interesting facts and awesome stories about the city of the Do Re Mi song.

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Viktig informasjon

  • This tour operates with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 participants
  • Be curious and wear comfortable clothing
  • Please make sure to provide your accurate and valid mobile phone number so that the Local can get in touch with you if needed
  • Be 15 minutes before the start of the experience at the meeting point and have a fully charged phone with you, so that the Local can contact you in case of an emergency
  • The itinerary, the stops and the walking pace may vary depending on your wishes
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A Local that wants to show you his city

Ikke inkludert

Personal expenses during the Experience

Food, drinks or snacks


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


Mirabellplatz 4, Salzburg, Österreich


Let us meet right in front of the Pegasus Fountain and start from there! Please be at the meeting location 15 minutes before the tour starts.


LocalBini AG

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Åpningstider: Vårt team er tilgjengelig 24/7

Telefonnummer: +47 67792587