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Audio walking tour of Munich, the capital of Bavaria and beer2023090164f20d5b126e0.jpg2023090164f20d5b39820.jpg2023090164f20d5b3d627.jpg2023090164f20d5b88449.jpg2023090164f20d5b63ec3.jpg2023090164f20d5b67ff1.jpg2023090164f20d5cd29cf.jpg
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Utflukter og dagsturer
Kultur og historie
Sightseeing og tradisjoner

Audio walking tour of Munich, the capital of Bavaria and beer

Sted: München
Varighet: 2 timer
Språk: Russian
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  • Listen to the stories from the Munich life
  • Learn what Munich, monks, and brewing have in common
  • Plunge into centuries-old traditions of Munich and Bavaria
  • Enjoy the panoramic city views from the viewpoints of Frauenkirche or St. Peter’s Cathedral
  • Visit the main Munich breweries


This is a tour around the center of Munich, amusing stories from the city life, photo locations and viewpoints, restaurants, and breweries.

During this tour, you're going to learn what Munich, monks, and brewing have in common. You're also going to plunge into the modern life and traditions of Munich and feel the Bavarian atmosphere. Start from the city gate of Munich and listen to the history of its founding, walking over the main trade road to Frauenkirche. Be impressed by the legend of Devil's Footprint in the middle of the highest Munich church and building. Continue your way to the main market square Marienplatz, enjoy the Gothic architecture of Tower Hall and see Mechanical Theatre and clock playing on the highest tower.

Then you'll visit the Viktualien Markt and get deep into real city life, and get to know about the culture of the beer garden and its traditions. Be impressed by the fashionable streets of Munich, its residence, and Opera house. Move to the most famous brewery in the world – Hofbräuhaus, and get to know the tradition of visiting brewery in Bavaria, main dishes, and drink like a local!

In conclusion, hear the history of the most famous beer festival – Oktoberfest! Feel like a local beer lover and say "Prost" instead of "Cheers"!

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  • you'll receive a link by email and SMS to download the app
  • the app works offline. It's recommended to download it via high-speed internet access at home
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Marienplatz, Marienplatz, 80331 München, Germany


The audio tour starts at Marienplatz.



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