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Dinner experience with a local family in Arequipa20230615648abbccd20ce.jpg
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Dinner experience with a local family in Arequipa

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Arequipa
Varighet: opptil 3 timer
Språk: English, Spanish
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  • Visit a local family and enjoy a meal together
  • Learn more about the Peruvian cuisine
  • Give the local family a hand preparing the dinner


Meet a local family at their eating table in Arequipa and experience a unique cultural food adventure!

Learn about the local traditions and taste their original dishes. Help the family to prepare dinner and take note of their traditional recipes.

Choose your dish and enjoy an interesting dinner with the locals, they'll share with you the stories of their everyday life.

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Viktig informasjon

  • There is a minimum of 2 adults per booking
  • The local supplier will get in touch with you after the booking to know your food preferences and to ask you if you have any food intolerance

·Meeting point and meeting point details will be shared with the booking confirmation that you will receive after the booking is done

·Taste the local culture and join a local family! You see people eating all the time. This happens, for example, on the street, at the food stalls et cetera. Of course they also eat at home, cozy with the whole family. And you can see that with your own eyes now. Experience it & taste it and eat with them! At a local family's home you eat together and in the meantime learn all about the real life. Share personal stories about everyday life. By doing this you help in an accessible and fun way to make the lives of local families a little easier. “Travel with a cause has never been easier and more fun! Note that this experience is accredited by the World Fair Trade Organization!

·Don't forget to take your notebook with you to write down all the recipes! And know that the local family will invite you to help with the preparations of your meal. What a joyfull way to get a taste of the local culture!

·On the terrace, you’ll find many shoes. It is customary to take off your shoes before entering a house. Adapt your clothes to the local culture. In bigger cities they are more open-minded than in the countryside. Too much skin is not appreciated anywhere.

·Discuss with each other when you or the local family want to take pictures (and/or post them on social media). Most of the times everyone is fine with it.

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Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 5 dager før aktiviteten begynner., Få 50% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 3 dager før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.




The local supplier will contact you after the booking to give you further details about the meeting point location.



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