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Half-day tour from Phnom Penh to Silk Island by tuk-tuk20231018652f5deeca1a6.jpg20231018652f5e24c745a.jpg20231018652f5e564ebcc.jpg20231018652f5e8abc809.jpg20231018652f5ebdf053d.jpg20231018652f5ef36e831.jpg20231018652f5fb2c0e23.jpg
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Half-day tour from Phnom Penh to Silk Island by tuk-tuk

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Phnom Penh
Varighet: 5 timer
Språk: English
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  • Discover the silk island and learn about the processing of silk production
  • Learn about the local villagers' life-style
  • Visit a local family-run business
  • Discover the Buddhist temple and learn about Buddhism in Cambodia
  • Explore the local market


Escape the city's hustle and bustle on a half-day Tuk-Tuk tour to the Silk Island. Join a knowledgeable local guide as you uncover the hidden gem of this island, experiencing the rural side of Phnom Penh. You'll discover the silk production process, meet local villagers, and explore a family-run dried tofu skin business.

Next, you'll head to a Buddhist temple where you'll learn about Buddhism in Cambodia. Finally, dive into the local market, gaining insights into their daily life. This adventure promises an authentic and immersive experience, immersing you in local culture, traditions, and lifestyle.

Get ready to embark on a memorable journey where you'll explore the silk island, connect with the locals, and discover the beauty of traditional crafts. This tour is a chance to broaden your horizons and create lasting memories.

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Viktig informasjon

Know in advance:

  • limited to 12 participants to ensure a more personalized experience
  • this tour runs rain or shine, you are encouraged to consult the weather forecast and to dress accordingly
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Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.



Confirm your pickup time and location directly with the local operator by answering the check-out question. Be ready in the lobby of your hotel at least 15 mins prior to your pickup time.


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