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Hampi Three-Day TourHampi Three-Day TourHampi Three-Day TourHampi Three-Day TourHampi Three-Day TourHampi Three-Day Tour
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Utflukter og dagsturer
Kultur og historie
Sightseeing og tradisjoner

Hampi Three-Day Tour

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Goa
Varighet: mer enn 24 timer
Språk: English
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  • Train journey through southwestern India
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hampi
  • Discover the ancient city of Vijayanagar


Long before the Greeks or Romans ever picked up a brick, there were magnificent temples in India. Travelling the authentic Indian way, you'll journey by train to Hampi to discover one of her most prized historical sites – the ancient city of Vijayanagar. Expect plenty of pretty villages, greenery and history on this three-day tour.

The adventure begins with a train ride – a true local experience. Chugging alongside the Tungabhadra River, you can admire great views of the rocky terrain before pulling to a stop in Hampi. From there, you'll make your way to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Vijayanagar.

Once a wealthy Hindu kingdom, it's crammed with crumbling palaces and monuments that you'll have plenty of free time to explore. Standout gems include the Vitthala Temple's musical stone pillars and the temple of Virupaksha. Dedicated to the Hindu goddess Vishnu, it boasts a 50m tall tower still used for worship today. And with a two-night hotel stay included, you can really make the most of your time here.

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Viktig informasjon

  • Passport or official EU identification are essential. Lunch, dinner and drinks not included
  • Not suitable for expectant mothers
  • Not suitable for expectant mothers or guests with back problems
  • Not suitable for guests with poor health
  • Not suitable for guests who suffer from travel sickness
  • Not suitable for guests with cardiac or respiratory problems
  • Not suitable for wheelchairs
  • Not suitable for guests with reduced mobility
  • Bring a hat
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Bring your passport or official eu identification
  • Food and drinks not included
  • Lockers not included
  • Sun loungers not included
  • Please note that all times are approximate and subject to change
  • English-speaking guide for all nationalities
  • Dress appropriately – no shoulders or knees showing – when visiting religious buildings
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Transport to and from hotels

Two-night hotel stay in in Hospet Hotel Hampi International

Entrance fees


Return train travel

Walking tour

Free time




Buggy ride


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 2 dager før aktiviteten begynner., Få 50% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 1 dag før aktiviteten begynner.


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