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Native Diving Learning - Try DiveScuba Diving TasterScuba Diving TasterScuba Diving Taster
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Atividades aquáticas

Native Diving Learning - Try Dive

Cancelamento grátis
Lugar: Lanzarote
Duração: a partir de 2 horas até 4 horas
Idiomas: Alemão, Inglês, Francês, Polonês
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Faça isso porque

  • Scuba diving experience in Lanzarote for beginners
  • Qualified instructors
  • Great way to experience diving for the first time
  • Suitable for kids aged 8 and up

O que esperar

If you've fancied a taster of scuba diving but don't want to sign up for a full course just yet, then this is just for you, and the kids. You'll join qualified instructors to get your first feel of diving in and around the shallow shores of Lanzarote. And maybe you'll catch the bug for scuba diving while watching colourful fish dart before your eyes.

After pick-up from your hotel to the diving centre, you'll firstly need to sit with your instructor for a briefing before getting comfortable with the equipment. Then, at a dive site that has the optimum depth for beginners and plenty of fish to see, you'll jump in for your first breath underwater.

Your instructors will be there to guide you through every step and help you get the most out of your experience. Once you're eased into it all, you'll be able to go with the flow and watch out for the fish that live on Lanzarote's shores.

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Informação importante

  • You must be in good physical condition. Minimum age is 8 years. No experience required. Please provide your shoe and wetsuit size.
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O que está incluído




Política de cancelamento

Receba um reembolso de 100% se você cancelar até 1 dia antes do início da atividade.

Taxa de reserva

Boas notícias! Nenhuma taxa extra será aplicada a esta reserva.


Avenida del Jablillo, nº 1 Hotel Grand Teguise Playa
Selecione o local para o transfer buscar você no mapa

Organizado por

TUI España Turismo, S.L.U, with Tax Number B08089187 and Travel License Number GCMD-4

O que as pessoas dizem sobre essa experiência


Você precisa de ajuda?

Precisa de ajuda para fazer uma reserva ou quer apenas fazer algumas perguntas? Seja qual for o motivo, não hesite em nos contactar.

Horário de funcionamento: A nossa equipe está disponível das 10h às 18h CET

Número de telefone: +55 1151168031