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Afternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live MusicAfternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live Music
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Afternoon Tea Experience in Relleu with Live Music

Cancelamento grátis
Lugar: Benidorm
Duração: a partir de 2 horas até 4 horas
Idiomas: Inglês
Se aceita o bilhete digital

Faça isso porque

  • Enjoy an afternoon tea experience at Casa Alta Vista
  • Tuck into freshly-prepared scones and English-brewed tea
  • Relax to the sounds of live music
  • The venue and its owner were featured on Channel 4's A New Life in the Sun

O que esperar

It's no secret that Brits are a nation of tea lovers, and this tour offers a take on the very British classic – afternoon tea. Away from Benidorm's bustling beachfront, you'll head to Casa Alta Vista for a delectable tea break surrounded in nature.

Arriving at Casa Alta Vista, you'll be captured right away by its rustic charm. Take a seat and feel like a VIP as you're served an afternoon tea with all the trimmings. With the aroma of freshly brewed tea, the scene is set for a typically British experience, right in the heart of Spain.

After embracing the finca's tranquillity, you'll round off the trip with some live music. Sit back and unwind to the soft sounds of local musicians – the perfect way to finish off with some well deserved 'me-time'.

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Informação importante

  • This experience doesn't follow our general cancellation policy. If you need to cancel, you must do so at least 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund
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O que está incluído

Coffee or tea



Política de cancelamento

Receba um reembolso de 100% se você cancelar até 1 dia antes do início da atividade.

Taxa de reserva

Boas notícias! Nenhuma taxa extra será aplicada a esta reserva.


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Organizado por

TUI España Turismo, S.L.U, with Tax Number B08089187 and Travel License Number GCMD-4

O que as pessoas dizem sobre essa experiência


Você precisa de ajuda?

Precisa de ajuda para fazer uma reserva ou quer apenas fazer algumas perguntas? Seja qual for o motivo, não hesite em nos contactar.

Horário de funcionamento: A nossa equipe está disponível das 10h às 18h CET

Número de telefone: +55 1151168031