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New Year's firework cruise in ReykjavíkNew Year 4.jpgNew Year 3.jpgNew Year's 2.jpg
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New Year's firework cruise in Reykjavík

Annulation gratuite
Lieu: Reykjavík
Validité: Flexible
Langue: Anglais
Bon électronique accepté

Points forts

  • Experience the New Years Eve in Reykjavík
  • A Champagne and Fireworks Cruise on New Year’s Eve
  • An onboard bar and a glass of Champagne to toast the clock as it strikes midnight


Get the best view of the famous fireworks and enjoy a glass of Champagne to toast as the clock strikes midnight. You will sail away from Reykjavik´s Old Harbour in the City Centre for an amazing spectacle cruise of Reykjavik and Reykjavik´s World Legendary Fireworks Display!

The luxury comfort vessel leaves the harbor at 11 pm and will be back in the harbor about half an hour after midnight. Looking at the city from the sea will give you the chance to see ALL the fireworks over Reykjavik. You will receive a complimentary glass of Champagne as midnight approaches and, as the clock hits 12, raise a toast to the New Year.

You can choose from a spot in the cozy indoor saloon or stay on the open-air deck. Then, enjoy the views over the glittering lights of Iceland's capital as your boat cruises out into Faxaflói Bay. After the tour, you are dropped off in the heart of the city so you can continue enjoying the night in Reykjavík.

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Informations importantes

  • It is recommended to wear warm clothes
  • Tour departs from the harbor at 11:00pm and returns around 00:30am
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A glass of champagne

Guided boat tour

Admire Reykjavik’s illuminated landmarks from Faxaflói bay

Bar on-board

Non inclus

Hotel pick-up/drop-off

Conditions d’annulation

Recevez un remboursement de 100% si vous annulez jusqu’à 23 heures avant le début de l’activité.

Frais de service

Bonne nouvelle! Aucun frais supplémentaire ne sera appliqué à cette réservation.

Point de départ

Geirsgata 11, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Lieu de rendez-vous:

The starting point for this tour is the Special Tours Ticket Office. Transfer is not available for this tour.

Prestataire du service

Special Tours Wildlife Adventures

Ce que les internautes disent de cette expérience


Besoin d'un coup de main ?

Avez-vous besoin d'aide pour faire une réservation ou juste envie de poser quelques questions ? Peu importe la raison, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Heures d'ouverture: Heures d'ouverture : Notre équipe est disponible de 10h00 à 18h00 CET

Numéro de téléphone: +33 1 87 21 47 47